
Showing posts from January, 2021


    AM I TOO OLD TO LEARN GUITAR?  Asking for a friend                                   Adult Guitar lessons The short answer to this question is – No. You are never too old to learn guitar. You can start to learn any instrument at any age. As long as you do not have any underlying conditions that physically prevent you fretting the instrument, there should not be a problem. While younger people may learn quicker, you are still capable of learning guitar as a beginner whether you are 20 or 70. Your age has nothing to do with learning guitar, it's that simple. The Golden Rules Practice for half an hour a day rather than fitting a week’s practice into one day. Progress at your own speed – this allows you to concentrate on concepts that are more challenging and move quickly through areas you find easier. Focus on the progress you are making, rather than the problem

Anatomy of a guitar

    parts of a guitar – test (your sense of humour)   Which parts of a human and guitar are the same? (answers at the end) Anatomy of the guitar   The Head/headstock and Tuning Keys This part of guitar holds the Tuning Keys, sometimes called the Machine Heads (big thumbs up to all the Deep Purple fans). These hold the guitar strings under tension to produce the correct pitch. There are different types of headstock. Below are images of various headstocks Nut The nut is a small raised piece of material that holds the strings off the fretboard. It defines the scale length of the guitar. The scale length being the full length of a vibrating string, between the bridge and the nut. A guitar nut may be made of various materials, the most common being bone, plastic, ivory. You may also get a locking nut which helps keep the instrument in tune, particularly when using a Whammy Bar. These are 3 pieces of metal that hold 2 strings each,


  If you find this article useful, please subscribe, it really helps my blog. Why should I play guitar? Main reasons people learn guitar   Rebellion – youth rebellion is nothing new. Look at the films about rebellion over the years, from Rebel Without A Cause, to The Hunger Games. Who, as a youngster, did not want to be the hero/antagonist in those films? From the same acorn comes the idea that you do not want to listen to your parents’ music and to prove the point you will pick up a guitar and make a lot of noise to show your act of rebellion. even better, you will join with a group of friends and form a band to accentuate the point – yeah!! No good at sports – not everyone is made in the same mould as Lebron James, Christiano Ronaldo or Lewis Hamilton. some people are just the ‘sporty type’. just as well for us! some of us prefer to sit in our bedroom and learn to play guitar. then we sit there and practice, and practice unt