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Why should I play guitar?

Main reasons people learn guitar


Rebellion – youth rebellion is nothing new. Look at the films about rebellion over the years, from Rebel Without A Cause, to The Hunger Games. Who, as a youngster, did not want to be the hero/antagonist in those films? From the same acorn comes the idea that you do not want to listen to your parents’ music and to prove the point you will pick up a guitar and make a lot of noise to show your act of rebellion. even better, you will join with a group of friends and form a band to accentuate the point – yeah!!

No good at sports – not everyone is made in the same mould as Lebron James, Christiano Ronaldo or Lewis Hamilton. some people are just the ‘sporty type’. just as well for us! some of us prefer to sit in our bedroom and learn to play guitar. then we sit there and practice, and practice until we come out of that bedroom like Angus Young, hopefully not still wearing our school uniform!

Attract a partner – ok, so you look like a Bulldog licking piss off a nettle. your face looks a bit like a pizza, however, you have an idea. how are you going to attract a mate? get a guitar and join a band. Steve Cropper from Stax Records’ house band stated that the number one reason guys play a guitar is to pick up girls. You could even start a band with others that look similar. Maybe you have friend who looks like their face was set on fire and put out with a golf shoe. Off you go - The Nettle Lickers are looking for their first gig!!

 Emulate your idol – while you are young, you are listening in awe at your favourite band and imagining yourself up there on the stage playing those amazing solos. The entire audience are on their feet shouting for more and loving you. when you open your eyes, you realise you still have your headphones on and life in somewhereville could be better if only you could play like Jimmy Page, Derek Trucks, John Mayer, etc. etc.

OK so you are going to take your first steps to superstardom, where do you start, what do you do, who you gonna call … ghostbusters – No!! but you could end up playing like Ray Parker jnr.. you’ve just been given a guitar for Christmas, or perhaps your birthday. you are on a journey that many have taken but few succeed. in a recent survey, it was shown that over 90% of new guitar students quit within the first year. Now playing an instrument will take dedication and time but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. check this out!!

Did you know that the benefits of playing guitar, include? -

Mental benefits – playing guitar could be classed as a therapy. it relieves stress, makes the player calm and happy. It also provides a creative space to allow for a form of mental escapism. music therapy is becoming more widely available. It is now utilised in schools, With charities and health organisations recognising it's importance. Creativity is enhanced on this could help in other areas such as school, say when writing an essay, or in the workplace. Having a brain that is more in focus can help in later years with mental decline.


Physical – improves your communication and motor skills. strengthening of your hands and wrists, by practising scales, chords, arpeggios, solos, etc. lowered blood pressure associated with the mental benefits. heart health is improved by the lowering of stress


Social – playing guitar with like minded people can increase your circle of friends and acquaintances. music is something that can be shared with family and friends and enrich your social life. It will improve your confidence and brings people together, music knows no boundaries

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