What are Guitar scales and Intervals?
Scales and Intervals -Why Bother If you understand the Major Scale, it is the basis of all other scales and chords. An understanding of the Major Scale makes it easier to build scales, chords, understand keys, and how they work, understanding songs and writing your own songs. Music scales This is an ordered sequence of notes that may be played ascending or descending. The pitch will correspondingly increase or decrease. This ordered sequence will continue in the order given with the presented intervals. An interval is the difference in pitch (sound) between one note and another. On a guitar the interval is measured by frets, or semitones (one fret = one semitone or half tone, two frets = whole tone). Shown below is a Major scale played on one string of the guitar. To play a major scale on guitar the sequence of intervals would be W W H W W W H This may be easier to see on a piano keyboard If you look at the C major scale, and count up using the pattern, you’ll see that it f...